Thursday, December 5, 2013

Post 9: Good and bad points of 2013

Well actually this year i had a good experience, because i planed a travel to Peru with 2 friends. We were supposed to meet at different times. Three weeks with a German friend (I knew him from another travel I did three years ago) and other 3 weeks with another friend, from Chile. The thing is that the second friend bailed out from the travel because he was “sick” or so he told me. At first I was angry because I thought that this was the end of it, that I couldn’t go on my own. But after facing my fears I made my first travel all alone. I felt awesome, I knew a lot of people but the best thing was that I knew a new part of myself. Another good thing is that I met my boyfriend this year and I really love him. He is very kind with me and we have a lot in common.
You could say that being in the last year of college is good, but not that much actually, because I am with a lot of work with my thesis, professional internship and the last courses. I am with a lot of stress and felt overwhelmed by the pressure, so I grew apart from some of my friends. But I know this is a part of life. Sometimes you lose contact with someone but then someone new will appear.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post 10: English language challenges

Since my second year at the university I had a serious interest about learning english. That year I started to travel and I knew the importance of this language. All the people travelling know at least something of english, so, there is important that you can communicate. Because of that, I chose to take the english course at the university (all the courses of english are optional in my career).
I think that I could improve a lot my english. I always was good reading or understanding the language, but I was awful talking, I am a very shy person, but now I can talk a Little more and fortunately I have many oportunities to talk with people that use the english as a first language, especially this year.
Because of this I really enjoy the classes on the university, there were a lot of activity where we must to talk each other in english. Obviously I could leverage more the clase, but I think that something that all the people need to talk a better english is listening the language, this is my excuse to see many series, a lot!

The moment when we realize that we must to learnt english in the university is in the senior year, when we have to write our thesis. Almost all the information necessary to make an investigation are in english and try to do that without understanding at least a little of english would be very difficult and would take so much time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Technology that empowers me

I think that we, the young people, are very lucky. We grown up with the technology, so is very easy to us learn about new applications or technology. For example, all start with the email (at least for me), a few years after, it was messenger, the fotolog, then facebook, this one is has a long time and people never stop to using and we learnt about all this places on the internet as fast as they come up and made popular around the world.
When I have to decide if I like or do not like the technology I’m not really sure about my opinion.  I love to use many of this apps, but I think that spending so much time on the computer don’t let me have a “normal life”. In a regular day we talk with a lot of people, but before all this interactions were made in person, and now, we talk with our friends, family, boyfriends, etc through the internet and this is a loss of intimacy between people.
We have to admit that we are seeing less to our friends than our parents did. When we take the subway or the buss, we can see most to the people on his cellphones, even when they are in groups. So the people are losing their communication skills and this is very sad.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Soil losses in Chile

Before 2010, there were only little information about soil quality; actually the last public report was from 1979. But in the last years, the government has the idea of put this topic as an important agricultural problem.
Corfo gave 900 millions of pesos for improve the actual information that includes all the soils of the country. These is public since 2010.
This report shows that the biggest losses of soil (erosion) in Chile are in arid and semiarid areas between Arica and Bio-Bio region. And also talks about no apparent erosion, which is soils with vegetation where it is not possible quantify the soil loss.
They made categories of classification: moderate, sever and very severe. These are necessary on technical studies of field qualification.
In particular, in the north of Chile, the erosion is higher than 80%, however, many of this areas haven’t human influences. But, if we go to the south (III or IV region) there is more human influence.
So, the target of this project is separate soils where natural erosion predominant from anthropic erosion.

I think that this report it could be very important. In these times, the people use the soil without knowing how to preserve. For example we can see fruit trees planted in the direction of the hillslope and there is not concern about the soil loss that this cause. It is necessary show to the agronomist and foresters how to use properly the soil and conserve for the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mother Nature Teaching

Jane starts talking about a tribe in Ecuador. Is a community that’s fighting to maintain their unpolluted way of live, but still realized that they can use and learn a few things from the “white man” to improve the way they live without harming it. But her real area of expertise is the Chimpazee. She states the change in the research area of the animals because of the improvement in the technology. How Ai, the most intelligence chimpanzee in the world can now manipulate a computer, even faster than most of the humans, and do it for almost no reward. Then demonstrates the thin line that separate us from big brain mammals, because they can even make use of tools, and behave emotionally and physically like humans. And this show that we aren’t the only living being that can do this kind of things, opening our eyes and having more respect for the other animals with whom we share this world. And then she shows us the awful truth that we decide to avoid. We are killing them all, and not only the animals, but the clean civilizations like the one she mentioned at the beginning. And how we should be doing the exact opposite of it, learning more of the Mother Nature and the animals. She finish telling us that the real answer is in us, we can act towards a clean world right now, and not the politicians and economists, etc. I find this conference really important and that this should be the things teach to us on an early stage of our lives, not how to make more money to follow a false and contaminated way of life.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Leather and meat without killing animals

In the video Andras talks about the possibility of made grow animal products like meet or leather instead keep killing or making suffer the animals. He says that in this times is not a crazy idea think like it was several years ago. Actually maybe in the future we look back on today and say that the things that we are doing now to produce meet or clothes are crazy.
In these days, livestock is one of the largest users of land, fresh water and the biggest producers of greenhouse gases. The biofabrications can be used to grow biological products, actually in medicine is already using to create organs, so it is not unthinkable do it with animal products
He explains the procedure that it takes to make leather and also, says a few advantages of using this instead leather from the animals. We could control some properties of the original leather tissues, for example, the leather made throw biofabrication doesn’t have hair on it so this it would means less work to process the final product.

I think that the video is really interesting, I’m not sure if this is easily doable, but if it is, will be a really nice thing for the animals and the people also.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Report of Climate Change

The article talks about an investigation made for the IPCC that strength certainty of climate change. Is the first report from 4 that they going to made this year and represent the opinion of hundreds of scientists.
This report claims that global warming is causing by humans and also it comes to be worst if greenhouse gas levels don’t stop growing. Is more focused in things that actually happening now (ice is melting faster, the ocean is becoming more acidic and weather patterns are chancing) instead things that it comes to happened.
It is not very different from the report that was made in 2007. But now, there is a subject that gained more attention as a potential way to directing the climate change, and this is the geoengineering. As an example from measures to stop global warming, they say that injecting particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight back into the space to stop their pass to the earth.

An important conclusion of this article is the evidence for an increases frequency of heat waves in many parts of the world. However, not all types of extreme events are increasing because of climate change, but exist an effect of global warming in people and ecosystems.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Majors in Agriculture

First of all, I have to clarify that my career is agriculture, no forestry. So you probably don’t know very much about majors of agriculture. There are six: economy, plant pathology, animal production, agricultural production (that contemplates the production of fruit and vegetables), agribusiness and enology; and my actually major, engineering and soil. This area is very important, because includes all other. The soil is a running out resource. It needs thousands of years to development an effective soil and people are degrading very fast and without control. I like this area because teach about conservation of soil and its sustainable use unlike other majors like agricultural production (only the part of fruits), where the most important thing is to export and earn a lot of money. I think that the major that haves better chances in Chile is agribusiness and enology, but maybe this change very fast. In the last years Enology always have a lot of students so there are many people that are performing in the wine area. But soil also haves really good opportunities. Like I said, includes all other.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Inglés 4!!!!! Post 1 : A Country you'd like to visit

When I was in my senior year at school the only thing that I think was about travel abroad. Since then, every vacation could do that. Now I love to travel around Chile, but luckly was able to travel for some countries in America. I have a specially interest in the amazon rainforest, I been there four times, two times in Ecuador, two in Perú and at the last time visit the limit of Brazil and Colombia with Perú. Is awesome, actually I worked as a volunteer in ananimal rescue center in the middle of nowhere for two months. I always want to return to the jungle, but in the last year I'm thinking in going to Kenia with my father (some day). We do mountaineering and dream with climb the Mount Kilimanjaro. So, if I have the chance to choose a place to go, it was Kenia. I really want see the animals of there and maybe pass to South Africa and go on a safari in the Kruger National Park.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Breaking Bad Season 5 Official Trailer

Tomorrow it’s the season premiere of one of the most amazing serie I´ve ever seen called breaking bad. The plot talk about a chemistry teacher of a primary school, called Walter White, who has been diagnosticaded with cancer. He hasn’t money enough to pay for the treatment or to leave something to his family after he died in about eight months according to the doctors. So he decided to enter in the business of drug´s traffic with an old student.  With his knowledge he can produce the best methamphetamine of the “market” making him famous and a target for the DEA.  What I most like of this show  it´s the change who experiments Walter along the seasons, becoming a great and immoral drug dealer after the considerate father and teacher. That idea gives the name to the serie.  Well, this video it’s the trailer of the fifth and final season, so I don’t recommend you see it if you don’t know the serie. The last season left me with a lot of doubts and expectations and that the importance I give to this trailer. I´m pretty excited about this Sunday so I guess I will see it another time :D.